About Me

Hi, I am Ang Zhao, currently a graduate student at Xiamen University, majoring in computer graphics, with a particular focus on 3D/4D reconstruction. I am working with Prof. Junfeng Yao. Additionally, I am honored to have the opportunity to work with Professor Xiaohu Guo. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Game Design from Communication University of China. I’ve previously spent wonderful times interning at Tencent IEG(2024) as a technical artist intern, Motphys(2024) working on physics engine development, Xiamen Black Mirror Technology(2022) and Tencent CSIG(2022) as an algorithm engineer intern.

My research interests include:

  • Physically-based Rendering: more specifically, (deeop) real-time volumetric rendering and material modeling.
  • Physically-based Simulation: deformable body simulation and cloth simulation.
  • Computer Character Animation: high-quality motion generation for digital human.
  • Computer Vision: 3D/4D reconstruction.

You can download my Resume for internship here.